2D & Trad.
Shop/The Lab
2D & Trad.
Shop/The Lab
Teinopalpus aureus
Graphium weiskei
Khokhloma E-moths
Wyvern gold #2
Wyvern gold #1
Lil’Blue Monarque
Little walk
Resilience (17 picts)
Thumbnail studies for next paintings
Russian fairy tale - Иван и жар птица
Mini Alien trinity
3 rosaces ( how original…) (6 picts)
5 of wands background (12 picts)
хохлома in bigger size
Third batch
Second batch!
First batch Bookmarks
хохлома style ornaments
14th century rosace
Home made plant based colours swatches galore!
Wyverns 3.0 (7 picts)
Wyverns 2.0 (5 picts)
The Cherry Thief
Scraped my own gallery, leaving this.
A truck load of illuminated letters
Page 2
Dragons border - Bordure aux dragons
Biotech - Tales from Trappist (6 picts)
Error 403 (v.2.0)
Mirror mirror
Kell a Marg
Watercolour try out
Grisaille try out
Estones - Tales of Trappist vol.1 (11 picts)
Ochar WarBird (7 picts)
Walk by Night (4 picts)
Snowflakes (2 picts)
Smaugust 2016 - 3 picts
Walk of life - Ginger (4 picts)
Walk of life - Hilarius peripatens.
Gospels Motherboard (3 picts)
The Harvest (3 picts)
The Herborist (5picts)
Small Gospel Motherboard (4 picts)
Lazy on a sunday afternoon (3 picts)
The Lost pages - Gaston Phoebus & the Graboïd (6 picts)
Lost Pages - MIB Medievalizer (3 picts)
"StGeorge and the Dragon, 2 mns later" (3 picts)
Qran Reproduction - Tezhip 16th c. (6 picts)
Roman de la Rose
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